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  3. Ms. Ami Kaneko, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation as the first author at the FENS Forum2024.

Ms. Ami Kaneko, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation as the first author at the FENS Forum2024.

Title:Identification of a subpopulation of neurons in the brainstem pons whose activation increases NREM sleep
Authors:Ami Kaneko, Mitsuaki Kashiwagi, Mika Kanuka, Gen-ichi Tasaka, Kazunari Miyamichi, Masashi Yanagisawa, Haruka Ozaki, Yu Hayashi

[Message from Ami]
Attending an international conference abroad and giving a presentation entirely in English was a new experience for me. I learned a lot from the advice given by the participants. This valuable experience would have been difficult without the travel grant. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who supported me. I intend to use this experience to further my research in the future.