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  3. Ms. Hibiki Okamura, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation at the FENS Forum2024.

Ms. Hibiki Okamura, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation at the FENS Forum2024.

Ms. Hibiki Okamura, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation as the first author at the FENS Forum 2024 held in Vienna.

Title:The analyses of neural basis for individual differences in behavioral outcomes caused by long-term social defeat stress in mice
Authors:Hibiki Okamura, Shinnosuke Yasugaki, Haruka Suzuki-Abe, Yoshifumi Arai, Katsuyasu Sakurai, Masashi Yanagisawa, Hotaka Takizawa and Yu Hayashi

[Message from Hibiki]
I attended an international conference held overseas for the first time. Due to the effects of the weak yen, it would have been difficult for me to attend without the travel grant supported by Hx program. I was stimulated by the speed at which research is being carried out around the world, and this has further increased my motivation for research.