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  3. Ms. Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz Clarin, 4th year student, performed poster presentation at International Vascular Biology Meeting 2024 held at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Ms. Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz Clarin, 4th year student, performed poster presentation at International Vascular Biology Meeting 2024 held at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Title : Development of aorta-targeted nanoparticles as a treatment for aortic dissection by targeting M1 macrophages to suppress inflammation
Authors : Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz Clarin, Eri Motoyama, Ahmed Nabil, Koichiro Uto, Sachiko Kanki, Kenichi Kimura, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Hiromi Yanagisawa

[Message from Maria]
I have always wanted to attend this conference. Thus, listening to the lectures from speakers and being able to present my data through poster sessions has continuously inspired me to enjoy the work that I am doing! Furthermore, connecting with new peers and learning about their research have always been interesting for me.