【11月】1月期入試説明会(オンライン開催)/ [November] Briefing session for January 2021 Entrance Examination (Held online)
In response to the spread of the COVID-19 infection, the briefing sessions for entrance examination will be held via online. We distribute the introduction of our program and the explanation of entrance examination via online video. We also have question and answer time using Zoom on Friday, November 13th 17:00-18:00 JST.
We are looking forward to the participation of those who are thinking of going on to the doctoral program, those who are interested in interdisciplinary research, and those who want to study in Tsukuba.
今年の入試説明会は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、感染拡大の防止と、渡日できない学生の状況を顧みて、オンラインでの配信に切り替えました。説明映像を配信するとともに、11月13日(金) 17:00-18:00には、Zoomにて、質疑応答の時間も設けます。
■Online Video
* Introduction of PhD Program in Humanics
From Program Coordinator, Professor Masashi Yanagisawa
* Curriculum and Degree, Dr. Atsushi Kawaguchi
* Student Support, Dr. Satoru Takahashi
* Entrance Examination, Dr. Masayuki Matsumoto
* 社会人特別選抜入試・企業連携について, Dr. Toshio Kokubo
※To prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections, the schedule as well as the content of the entrance examination might be changed.
■Question and Answer Session via ZOOM
November 13, (Fri) 17:00-18:00(JST)
※The time depends on the language you attend.Please be careful.
Language:English 17:00-17:30(JST)
Japanese 17:30-18:00(JST)
If you would like to participate it, please contact us before the session starts.
E-mail: humanics@un.tsukuba.ac.jp
We will inform you of ID and password for the participation.
※Any questions are always welcome.
Please feel free to contact us;
School of Integrative and Global Majors (SIGMA) Office
University of Tsukuba 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 JAPAN
E-mail: humanics@un.tsukuba.ac.jp