New poster for Ph.D. Program in Humanics has been released!
Unprecedented times call for
Unprecedented individuals.
Our world has changed dramatically in a few short years.
In these unprecedented times, conventional wisdom and standard ways of thinking
no longer apply. These times call for individuals who can offer solutions with
completely new values unbound by precedent.
Humanics is an innovative field consisting of biomedical sciences combined with
physical sciences, engineering, and informatics. It guides students to master both
disciplines for their own research, breaking down and
overcoming existing barriers.
This will lead to ideas like none ever seen along with science and technology
breakthroughs that were thought to be impossible.
The more unknown the terrain, the greater its potential to move the world.
Don’t follow another person’s path. Create your own.
Mr. Osamu Toyoshima and Ms. Margaux Noémie Lafitte, 2nd year students in the Ph.D. Program in Humanics
We tried to symbolically represent the diversity of the paths that Humanics students are opening up for the future by the multiple shadows cast by the two students.
We would be more than happy if those who see this poster could think of the bright future of Humanics students in their own way.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the creation of the poster.