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  3. Ms. Ami Kaneko, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation at The 2nd International Symposium on “Biology of Behavior Change” 2024 Brain dynamics × Behavior change: Decision Making and Social Cognition.

Ms. Ami Kaneko, 4th year student, gave a poster presentation at The 2nd International Symposium on “Biology of Behavior Change” 2024 Brain dynamics × Behavior change: Decision Making and Social Cognition.

Title:Identification of neurons in the brainstem pons crucial for maintaining wakefulness
Authors:A.Kaneko, M.Kashiwagi, M.Kanuka, G.Tasaka, K.Miyamichi, M.Yanagisawa, H.Ozaki, Y.Hayashi

[Message from Ami]
This was my first time attending and I learned a lot from the pointed questions.