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  3. Ms. Chinatsu Kawakami, 2nd year student, performed a poster presentation at NEURO2024.

Ms. Chinatsu Kawakami, 2nd year student, performed a poster presentation at NEURO2024.

Title:Comparative effects of continuous and spaced presentation of conditioned stimuli in fear memory extinction
Authors:Chinatsu Kawakami, Toshie Naoi, Masanori Sakaguchi
Conference Name:NEURO2024, the joint meeting of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), and the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP)

[Message from Chinatsu]
I participated in JNS for the first time. It was stimulating to receive questions and comments on my poster presentation from students and researchers from Japan and abroad with various perspectives.