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  3. Sergio Alberto Galindo Leonさん(ヒューマニクス4年生)が 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyにて筆頭著者として口頭発表を行いました。

Sergio Alberto Galindo Leonさん(ヒューマニクス4年生)が 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyにて筆頭著者として口頭発表を行いました。

タイトル:Validation of the estimated Effect of Ankle Foot Orthoses on Spinal Cord Injury Gait Using Subject-Adjusted Musculoskeletal Models
著者:Galindo-Leon Sergio, Eriks-Hoogland Inge, Suzuki Kenji, Paez-Granados Diego

To attend an international conference in person for the first time allowed me to realize all the innovation and progress the people in the field of biomedical engineering are currently making. Also to learn what the trends for future research are. In addition, I was able to extend my network and evaluate collaboration with other peers in the field of biomechanics. I thank the Humanics program and their travel grant support for allowing us to attend these events.