Sergio Alberto Galindo Leonさん(ヒューマニクス4年生)が 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societyにて筆頭著者としてポスター発表を行いました。
タイトル: Estimated Effect of the Device Placement Error In IMU Kinematics Acquisition in Outpatients Through Musculoskeletal Models
著者:Sergio Galindo Leon, Aline Bolliger and Diego Paez-Granados
During the poster session I was able to interact with many people from different backgrounds and to show my research results to a broader audience, compared to the oral session where only few people of the specific are attended. Similarly, I was able to extend my network and got contacts from different people in the area of ambulatory gait analysis. I thank the Humanics progra and their travel grant support as well as and the artificial intelligence laboratory for allowing us to attend the conference