学類生支援制度募集/Early Exposure Program (EEP) 2021.8.02
学類生支援制度募集/Early Exposure Program (EEP)
The research / laboratory assistant positions are now open for the undergraduate students who are interested in going on a doctoral course shown below.
- 対象者:博士課程への進学に興味がある学類1~4年生(医学類は1~6年生)
Eligible to apply: Undergraduate student in the 1st – 4th grade (1st – 6th grade in School of Medicine and Medical Sciences) - 支援内容:短期雇用(月36時間まで)
Details of support: short-term employment up to 36 hours a month - 支援期間:10月雇用後から2022年3月まで
Period of support: October 2021 until the end of March, 2022 - 募集人数:若干名
Number of the positions available: a few positions
希望の学生は、「Humanics Early Exposure Program申請書」を下記よりダウンロードし、必要事項を記入 及び 以下より希望する研究室の指導教員の署名を取得の上、8月25日(水)17:00までにグローバル教育院事務室にご提出ください。
[How to apply]
If you would like to apply for this program, please download “Humanics Early Exposure Program Application Form” from below, fill it out and ask for the signature of the supervisor under whom you would like to be engaged as an assistant.
Then, please submit it to School of Integrative and Global Majors (SIGMA) office by Wednesday, August 25th17:00.
- 柳沢 正史 (YANAGISAWA Masashi )
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=11 - 本城 咲季子 (HONJOH Sakiko)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=17 - 渋谷 彰 (SHIBUYA Akira)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=22 - 高橋 智 (TAKAHASHI Satoru)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=59 - 入江 賢児(IRIE Kenji)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=49 - 川口 敦史 (KAWAGUCHI Atsushi)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=67 - 尾崎 遼 (OZAKI Haruka)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=71 - 丹羽 隆介 (NIWA Ryusuke)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=75 - 井澤 淳(IZAWA Jun)
https://trios.tsukuba.ac.jp/researcher/0000003623 - 北原 格(Kitahara Itaru)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/KITAHARA_Itaru.pdf - 村谷 匡史(MURATANI Masafumi)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/MURATANI_Masafumi.pdf - 桝 正幸(MASU Masayuki)
/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/MASU_Masayuki.pdf - 柳沢 裕美(YANAGISAWA Hiromi)
https://www.phd-humanics.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/List_of_Faculty_Mentors_PhD_Program_Humanics.pdf#page=24 - 大石 陽(OISHI Yo)
You may be able to choose a faculty member who is not in this list.
For details, please contact the Sigma office in advance.
Humanics Early Exposure Program申請書 ダウンロードはこちらから↓
You can download “Humanics Early Exposure Program Application Form” below ↓
Humanics Early Exposure Program申請書/Application form for Humanics Early Exposure Program
ご不明点等がございましたら、SIGMA office (sigma@un.tsukuba.ac.jp) にご連絡ください。
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact SIGMA office at sigma@un.tsukuba.ac.jp