NEWS ニュース

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  3. Nailil Husnaさん(ヒューマニクス1年生)が、International Conference on Translational Omics and Bioinformaticsで口頭発表を行いました。

Nailil Husnaさん(ヒューマニクス1年生)が、International Conference on Translational Omics and Bioinformaticsで口頭発表を行いました。

タイトル:Trends evaluation of genomics research in East and Southeast Asia using machine learning and natural language processing
著者:Nailil Husna, Lindsay A Rutter, Masafumi Muratani

It was a valuable experience to present my work and receive useful feedback. At the same time, it was also fun to attend the conference, learn the fascinating insight from the experts, and listen to other participants about their work. I am genuinely grateful to my professor and lab members for the immense support.