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  3. Ms. Hibiki Okamura, 2nd year student, performed a poster presentation at the 11th Annual WPI-IIIS Symposium.

Ms. Hibiki Okamura, 2nd year student, performed a poster presentation at the 11th Annual WPI-IIIS Symposium.

The 11th Annual WPI-IIIS Symposium ~Deciphering the Mysteries of Instinctive Behaviors~

Title: Exploration of a novel mechanism of sleep regulation that depends on feeding condition
Authors: Hibiki Okamura, Shimpei Taniguchi, Mitsuaki Kashiwagi, Shinnosuke Yasugaki, Mika Kanuka, Masashi Yanagisawa, and Yu Hayashi

[Message from Hibiki]
I performed a posterpresentation, and discussed with experts of sleep science. It was a good opportunity to pursue my research.